114 Benton Ave. 04901 Phone 207-872-2776 Fax 207-872-1999 Office Hours 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM

Located in Central Maine on the eastern shores of the Kennebec River, Winslow is an energetic full service Community with a population of over 8,000 and plenty of room to grow. Winslow is noted for its rich history and scenic rural setting, year-round recreational activities abound and growing.

Central Maine Growth Council The Central Maine Growth Council is a non-profit, public/private partnership, Development Corporation, dedicated to collaborative economic development within the partner municipalities of Fairfield, Oakland, Waterville, and Winslow. The Board of Directors consists of the Town Managers of the member municipalities and representatives of the business community.

The regularly scheduled Town Council meetings on the second Monday of each month are delayed broadcast the following Monday of each month starting at 7:00 pm. on Time Warner Cable channel 7. The recorded meeting will broadcast again the next day (Tuesday) at 7:00 am and then at 7:00 pm. and then again the following day (Wednesday) at 7:00 am and then at 7:00 pm.

historical winslow maine

For easy navigation and search, here you can find all the pages of our website. Winslow Maine city portal Front Page WELCOME TO THE TOWN OF WINSLOW, MAINE Leisure Active life Kennebec Valley Community Action Program / KVCAP EntrapME Escape Rooms / EntrapME A Administration April 12, 2004 Council Meeting April 14, 2003 Council Meeting …...


Planning Board All meetings are held in the Council Chambers at 7:15 PM.   WINSLOW PLANNING BOARD   TOWN OF WINSLOW PUBLIC MEETING   A Public Meeting before the Winslow Planning Board will be held at 7:15 p.m. on Thursday, December 13, 2007, at the Winslow Jr. High School Auditorium for the following:   FPL Energy …...


TOWN OF WINSLOW NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING   In accordance with Section 213 of the Winslow Town Charter, notice is hereby given that the Town Council will hold a public hearing in the Town Council Chambers, 114 Benton Avenue, Winslow, Maine at 7:00 p.m. on February 13, 2012 on the following proposed Ordinance: Ordinance No. …...


   Welcome to Winslow, Maine                                 16 Benton Avenue       (207)872-2776 For information about your current tax bill call 872-2776. 2003/2004 ASSESSOR’S PROPERTY RECORDS Including the New E-911 Addresses Link to: Office of OGIS The property records listed in this file are current as of May 15, 2004. For the purpose of this file all records are shown in …...

Winslow County

On Monday, December 12, 2011, the Winslow Town Council presented a plaque to Town Councilor Roland L. Michaud (center) in recognition of his 31 years of service on the Town Council. Roland’s final term will expire on December 31, 2011. Roland has served in the Town of Winslow’s municipal government for 37 of the past …...


TOWN COUNCIL MEMBERS Winslow Town Council presented a plaque to Town Councilor Roland L. Michaud District: 1  Catherine Nadeau  Telephone No. Home: 873-2025 Married to Robert and has two children; James and Victoria. Wants to become more involved in government by representing the citizens of Winslow     District: At Large   Ken Fletcher Telephone No. Home: 872-6760 …...


Town Manager Michael W. Heavener In May of 2000, my wife, Donna, and I came to Winslow when I accepted a position as the Town’s Police Chief.  Town residents quickly made us feel welcomed and within a short period of time Winslow felt like home.  In October of 2006 I ended my law enforcement career …...


HISTORY and HISTORY MAKING CURRENT EVENTS ICESTORM JAN.98    (send us your ice storm pictures for posting)                                                                                   ...


Meeting Minutes and Agendas Council Packets Planning Board Packets Zoning Board   Packets 01-12-09 Agenda              01-12-09 Minutes 02-09-09 Agenda              02-09-09 Minutes 20-23-09 Agenda              02-23-09 Minutes 03-09-09 Agenda              03-09-09 Minutes 04-13-09 Agenda              04-13-09 Minutes 05-11-09 Agenda              05-11-09 Minutes 06-08-09 Agenda              06-08...


MID-MAINE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE KENNEBEC VALLEY COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS STATE OF MAINE HOME PAGE Online vehicle registration Rapid Renewal is a new service that makes it possible for you to renew your motor vehicle registration with the State of Maine and to pay your local excise tax to the Town of Winslow in one simple …...


The Town Codes are constantly being changed and updated, it is important to check with the Clerk or the Code Officer to verify their current status. The online Codes should be used for reference only. Maine D.E.P. Publications Comprehensive Plan  Executive Summary Comprehensive plan index Historic & Archaeological Resources……………………. 1 Implementation Strategies………………………………… 11             Prehistor...


  The Town Codes are constantly being changed and updated, it is important to check with the Clerk or the Code Officer to verify their current status. The online Codes should be used for reference only.             Chapter 1:  General Provisions              Chapter 2:  Administration              Chapter 3: Animals              Chapter 4: Building and Plumbing              Chapter 5:  Businesses ...


Safety Alerts being worked on; Front Entry Steps: After several citizens have tripped and fallen we have installed step up and watch your step signs. Please use care when entering through this entrance. Mail Drop Off Box: The Postal Service has relocated the Mail Drop-off Box to the Exit drive of the parking lot. MISSION STATEMENT The …...


  Public Works Department                            Director of Public Works: John Giroux (207) 872-1972 Business Hours – From May 1st to Veterans Day our schedule is Monday through Thursday 6:30am to 4:30 pm. The day after Veterans Day to April 30th is Monday through Friday 7:00am to 3:30pm. Recycling Drop-off – Located at our Public Library on Halifax Street. This is a 24/7 …...

Discover Maine's lush regions, from its stunning coastlines to dense forests. Unveil the hidden gems of the Pine Tree State....

Discover Wells, Maine's vibrant restaurant scene. Savor culinary delights in the heart of Vacationland. Explore foodie paradise....

Discover Maine's scenic ATV trails and unleash your adventurous spirit. Experience the thrill of off-road exploration in stunning landscapes....

Discover Kittery Pizza on ExploringMaine.com - your guide to the best slice in Maine's vibrant food scene....