Parks & Rec
Dennis Dacus: Director
Mission Statement “To provide quality recreational opportunities for all Winslow residents and surrounding communities”
Board of Parks & Recreation Members: Dr. Paul Dunbar Chairperson USE OF PUBLIC PROPERTY THAT IS OWNED BY THE TOWN: Sec. 7A-16 Permit Required. It shall be unlawful for any organization, partnership, firm, persons, corporation, or other entity to use of make use of or organize any event or affair, whether any such event or affair is open to the general public or not, without first obtaining a permit therefore in compliance with the provisions of this article. For the purposes of this article an “event or affair” is defined as a gathering or assembly of thirty (30) or more persons for any common purpose or purposes whatsoever and within the immediate vicinity of each other. (Ord. No. 2-1984, 6-11-84)