Town Codes

The Town Codes are constantly being changed and updated, it is important to check with the Clerk or the Code Officer to verify their current status.

The online Codes should be used for reference only.

Maine D.E.P. Publications

Comprehensive Plan

 Executive Summary

Comprehensive plan index

Historic & Archaeological Resources……………………. 1

Implementation Strategies………………………………… 11

            Prehistoric Archaeology Map

Places on the National Historic Register Map

Water Resources…………………………………………………..3

Implementation Strategies………………………………….. 24

             Water Resources Map

Pattee Pond Watershed Map

Critical Natural Resources………………………………….. 27

Implementation Strategies…………………………….. 39

Public and Conservation Lands Map

Town Property Map

Critical Natural Resources Map

High Value Plant & Animal Habitats Map

Scenic Viewsheds Map

View Inventory & Scenic Assessment

Agriculture and Forestry Resources…………………….. 43

Implementation Strategies………………………………….. 48

Agricultural Soils Map

Current Use Tax Programs Map

Population and Demographics……………………………… 52

Housing……………………………………………………………… 58

Implementation Strategies…………………………………… 66

Recreation…………………………………………………………. 68

Implementation Strategies………………………………….. 72

Snowmobile Trails Map

Kennebec Messalonskee Trails Map

East Coast Greenway

Tour #11 Waterville and China Lakes Map

Tour 11 Directions

Maine’s East Coast Greenway, Section 3B Map

Section 3B Directions

Economy…………………………………………………………… 75

Implementation Strategies………………………………….. 81

 Transportation…………………………………………………… 82

Implementation Strategies………………………………….. 90

Transportation Features 1 Map

Transportation Features 2 Map

Transportation Map

KVCAP Winslow Bus Transit Map

 Land Use………………………………………………………….. 91

Development Constraints Map

Current Zoning Map

Public Facilities………………………………………………… 95

Implementation Strategies………………………………… 100

Local Infrastructure and Conserved Land Map

Water and Sewer Lines Map

Town Property Map

Municipal Recycling Report

Fiscal Capacity………………………………………………… 101

Implementation Strategies………………………………… 104

2006-2011Capital Improvement Plan

2008-2009 Capital Improvement Budget

Town Bonds Debt Schedule

Future Land Use……………………………………………… 106

Implementation Strategies………………………………… 114

Future Land Use Map

2008 Comprehensive Plan Implementation Strategies Timeline

Comprehensive plan links to each section

Historical and Archaeological Resources Title page

Places on National Historic Register Map

Prehistoric Archaeology Map


Water Resources Title page

Pattee Pond Watershed Map


Water Resources Map

Critical Natural Resources Title page

Critical Natural Resources Map

High Value Plant & Animal Habitat Map

Public and Conservation Land Map


Scenic Viewsheds Map

Town Property Map

View Inventory & Scenic Assessment Results

Agriculture & Forestry Title page

Agricultural Soils Map

Current Use Tax Programs Map


Population Demographics Title page


Housing Title page


Recreation Title page

East Coast Greenway

Kennebec Messalonskee Trail

Maine’s East Coast Greenway Section 3B Map

Section 3B Directions


Snowmobile Trail Maps

Tour #11 Directions

Tour #11 Waterville and China Lakes Map

Economy Title page


Transportation Title page

KVCAP Winslow Bus Transit Map


Transportation Features Map 1

Transportation Features Map 2

Transportation Map

Land Use  Title page

Current Zoning Map

Development Constraints Map

Land Use

Public Facilities Title page

Local Infrastructure & Controlled Land Map

Municipal Recycling Report

Town Property Map

Water & Sewer Lines Map

Public Facilities & Services

Fiscal Capacity Title page

2006-2011 Capital Improvement Plan

Fiscal Capacity

FY 2008-2009 Adopted Budget

Future Land Use Title page

Future Land Use Map

Future Land Use

Implementation Strategies

Appendix A


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