Code Office
114 Benton Ave. (207)872-2776
Effective 9-10-2007 Building Permit Fees: Residential, (Commercial Industrial): {{ $content }}.25 per square foot of finished space. {{ $content }}.10 per square foot of unfinished space. .00 for Decks , Pools, Sheds, Demolition and etc. .00 for Shoreland Zoning Permit CODES ADOPTED BY THE TOWN OF WINSLOW Current NFPA 101 life safety code · Current International Building Code · Current International Residential Building Code · Current National Electric Code · Maine State Plumbing Code IBC Base Climate Information
| The primary goals of building and zoning codes are: When must you apply for a building permit? Building permit applications may be intimidating. For this reason you are encouraged to contact Frank Stankevitz, Building Inspector/Code Officer at (207)872-2776, while you are planning any project which may require a permit. Frank will meet with you and explain what may be required to comply with the zoning and building codes. What work requires a permit? A simple phone call to our Office at (207)872-2776 can usually determine if a permit is required. Some home maintenance activities are exempt from permits. But again it’s best to ask the building inspector before starting any project. What do the codes say about permits? In part they say, “No building, structure or sign shall be erected, constructed, moved, added to or structurally altered, nor shall land be put to any sue without a permit therefore issued by the Code Officer.” Some examples are: New buildings……….Additions…………..Renovations……….Demolitions |